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Wonder much virtually the eerie blank demeanor of Erin Burnett, who delivers the 7:00 o'clock news on CNN? I sure do. It's a creepy kind of fraught blankness, like what the Vietnam grunts used to call the thousand-thousand stare, denoting their guilty interest in a morally odious enterprise. Of course, i must follow CNN in order to discern what fresh bullshit the governing government is serving up day-to-day from its steam-table of perfidy and bad faith. Does the lady hate her job that much? Or does that farbissiner face signify mere simmering contempt for the audience of deplorable elderly gorks receiving said bullshit over their sorry Television receiver trays of Ensure on Froot Loops? Or possibly a miniature Donald Trump lives in her caput dressed in a piddling red devil adjust with horns, stabbing her parietal lobes with his tiny pitchfork?

Seeing as how Ms. Burnett is the mouthpiece for the Progressive Woke news media in the primest evening slot, does that glowering visage represent the peculiar joylessness of the political Left, a movement steeped in a special kind of shame induced by the irritating failure of its ideas to behave with reality? This is the joylessness of people bunkered too deep in anomie to even find pleasance in their own sadism. Thus, the hint of bored indignation: how cartel y'all not believe the bullshit I am delivering on behalf of your betters… who know what'south healthy?

Or maybe the girl is only on quaaludes.

Anyway, zero serves as a better barometer of how things are going in the struggle over the fate of this tortured land than Erin Burnett's scowling puss. And where is this country going? I volition tell you: straight into a dark passage of the profoundest political discord, an epochal nightmare of loss and death brought on, it begins to seem, deliberately, past the folks in charge. They are existence plant out, and the fact that they remain in charge spells ever more than obvious danger amongst all concerned as the truth of their crimes emerges.

Sunday, at the March Against Mandates in our nation's majuscule, the resistance to Covid vaccine tyranny laid it out, none with plainer eloquence than Bobby Kennedy:

We love the The states Constitution.  And we have witnessed over the past xx months a insurrection d'etat against democracy and the demolition, the controlled demolition of the U.s. Constitution and the Pecker of Rights. And starting with the censorship. James Madison, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson all said the same matter: we put freedom of speech in the first subpoena considering all of the other rights that we were trying to protect relied on that right. If yous give government the license to silence its critics, you accept given them the capacity to commit whatever atrocity they want, and to obliterate all the amendments and rights in the constitution.

The message is getting through and the tyrants are running scared. They are perhaps having bad dreams involving torches and pitchforks. Naturally CNN took the atomic number 82 in attempting to defame Mr. Kennedy as an anti-Semite for mentioning the proper name of Anne Frank in alluding to the Nazi insanity of the terminal century and people's desperate efforts to escape it. CNN said:

The son of former Attorney General and presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy has a long history of spreading vaccine misinformation…. Lord's day'south event, billed as a protest confronting vaccine mandates, featured speakers repeatedly spreading misinformation about vaccines and showcased several narrow-minded comparisons to the Holocaust. At least one homo was seen displaying a yellowish Star of David, which Jews were required by law to wear equally an identifier in Nazi Frg.

So, wearing a Star of David now makes you lot an insurrectionist in the twisted logic of Wokery. How stupid and confused are they? Anyway, heroes emerge out of arduousness. Permit them pile it on, insulting history and reality. In fact, Bobby Kennedy stood in the common cold at the Lincoln Memorial as a heroic figure for these times, giving a speech that carefully and succinctly denoted the stupendous criminality of the Usa public health bureaucracy and the corporate-government fascist partnership with Pharma Inc. that has poisoned hundreds of millions of Americans in a medical experiment that has only begun to kill possibly more than people than the Nazis always dreamed of murdering. There has not been a more important public utterance in this country than RFK Jr.'due south since this century began.

Meanwhile, the Covid tyranny collapses across Western Civ. Prime Minister Boris Johnson of the UK tossed his country's entire Covid restriction programme into the dumpster last calendar week as the truth about vaccine failure and injuries became impossible to avoid. The Czech republic and Ireland followed. France made noises near lifting her policies in February. For at present, Frg and Austria remained locked-into their Teutonic obedience neurosis, but how much longer can that last? Or does it finally break up the European union? Large street protests rocked European cities Lord's day, too. The vaccines accept lost their credibility as sacred totems against the accelerating anarchy in the advanced nations of the globe, who stand to lose the very advancements in prosperity, condolement, and convenience they enjoyed in the centuries of free energy super-affluence.

What awaits now is mayhem in the fiscal markets, the banking organization, and national currencies — underway even as yous read this. Information technology'south not plenty that the people of Western Civ take been battered past a contrived assault on their physical health; at present they'll watch themselves become broke and hungry. Maybe even the monsters of idiocy behind president "Joe Biden" can melt up a globe-beating hypersonic war over a land we take next-to-nil national interest in but to make things perfect. I can't await to run across the look on Erin Burnett'due south confront equally the history of the hereafter unspools.

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Your Winter Reading ! ! !

James Howard Kunstler is the author of many books including (non-fiction) The Geography of Nowhere, The City in Mind: Notes on the Urban Condition, Home from Nowhere, The Long Emergency and the four-book series of Earth Made By Hand novels, fix in a mail service economic crash American future. His most contempo volume is Living in the Long Emergency; Global Crisis, the Failure of the Futurists, and the Early Adapters Who Are Showing Us the Way Forward. Jim lives on a homestead in Washington County, New. York, where he tends his garden and communes with his chickens.


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